Evelyn Rubi Hernandez

Evelyn Rubi Hernandez

Bearing Life, Shredded money, mesh fabric, needle and thread, twine, safety pins. 8 x 3 x 6.

Navigating Independence, (digital triptych) digital art, scans of my drawings, all pictures used for collage taken by artist.

Navigating Independence (digital triptych): In these digital imaginary landscapes, I express how I feel navigating my independence through college, away from my family, and how I try to work towards healing on my own. As a first-generation student and eldest daughter of immigrants, the external forces of the world that impact my family also impact me and the way I go about succeeding in college and the pressure that is put on me to succeed to work towards a better life for not only my self but my whole family. Growing up, plants were a way I saw my mother connect with her roots and herself, I knew that when her plants were starting to dry out, something was wrong. I do the same here with these pieces, using dried-up flowers to help describe burnout, the high stakes my whole family has been dependent on me through a cactus, and using plants and greenery that are just about to start to blooming to my journey through learning how to take care of myself and the process of healing on my own.
